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Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Universitas Brawijaya History

UB is located in the city of Malang, East Java, was established on January 5, 1963 by the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 1 in 1963, and later confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 196 of 1963 dated 23 September 1963.
This was originally a private university status, with embryos in existence since 1957, namely in the form of two faculties: the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, which is a branch Sawerigading Private University, Makassar (Ujung Pandang). Both faculty development seems less encouraging, so that among the student unrest arise.

Some student leaders are aware of this then held approaches to community leaders. Finally, at a meeting that they do in Malang City Hall on May 10, 1957, sparked the idea to establish a Municipal University (Universiteit Gemeentelijke) are expected to be able to ensure the future of the students.

As a first step towards the formation of a Higher Education Foundation Malang on May 28, 1957 The Foundation then open the Higher Education Law and Society Studies (PTHPM) on July 1, 1957 Students and faculty PTHPM consists of former students and lecturers of the Faculty of Law, University of Sawerigading. Almost at the same time, on August 15, 1957 an other foundation, the Foundation established the Higher Education Higher Education Economics Economics Malang Malang (PTEM). In the next development, the Municipal Legislative Council Malang with a decision dated July 19, 1958 recognizes as belonging to the Municipal PTHPM Malang. On the Third Anniversary of warning PTHPM dated July 1, 1960, formalized the use of the name of the Municipal University of Malang. The university then set up the Faculty of Business Administration (FAN) on the 10th of November 1960.

At first Anniversary Commemoration Municipal University of Malang, the name was changed to the University of Brawijaya University. This name was given by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire number: 258 / K / 1961 dated July 11, 1961.
Then on October 3, 1961 held a merger between the Foundation of Higher Education Economic Malang PTEM nurturing into a new foundation called the Foundation of the University of Malang.

Thus UB has 4 faculties, namely the Faculty of Law and Society Studies (FHPM) which was originally PTHPM, Faculty of Economics (FE) which was originally named PTEM, Faculty of Business Administration (FAN) and the Faculty of Agriculture (FP). The merger is one of the efforts that must be taken to obtain the status of the country for the UB, because before it was even recognized as belonging to the Municipality of Malang, all financing is still the responsibility of the University Foundation. In order to qualify nationalization, then on October 26, 1961 UB establish a new Faculty of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (Husbandry).

Pioneered efforts for several years was finally a point of light. In a meeting between the Commander of Military Region VIII UB, UB president, the President of the University Tawangalun (Jember) and the Minister of Higher Education and Science on July 7, 1962, it was agreed to menegerikan PTIP UB gradually. Which will be transformed into a state first is the exact sciences faculties, while the social faculties are still under consideration.

With PTIP Decree No. 92 dated August 1, 1962 the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry given the status of the country, as of the date of July 1, 1962 and is under the auspices of the University of Airlangga.

While waiting for the next process, on September 30, 1962, the Faculty of Business Administration was renamed the Faculty of constitutional and Ketataniagaan (FKK), to adjust to the Higher Education Act No. 22 of 1961.

Meanwhile in Probolinggo on the date of October 28, 1961 opened a College of Marine Fisheries Department of Higher Education Foundation Probolinggo. The School later became one of the majors of the Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, which is based on Decree No. PTIP 163 of 1963 dated May 25, 1963.

On January 5, 1963, with the entire UB faculty PTIP nationalized by the Decree No. 1 of 1963 of the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry were originally under the auspices of the University of Airlangga returned to the UB. In addition it also inaugurated the UB branches in Jember, namely the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Medicine. The original branch in Jember are the faculties of the University Tawangalaun.

With PTIP Decree No. 97 of 1963 and the constitutional Faculty Ketataniagaan in Kediri, as of the date of August 15, 1963 set as a branch of the Faculty of constitutional and Ketataniagaan UB.

PTIP Decree on nationalization it has been confirmed by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 196 of 1963 with effect from January 5, 1963 date was later set as the birthday (anniversary) UB.

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