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Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Universitas Gajah Mada History

Judging from history, Gadjah Mada University is an amalgamation and re-establishment of various centers of education, high school, college in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Surakarta.
The name originated from the formation of Gadjah Mada University Gadjah Mada Center consisting of the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Literature. The establishment was announced in Malioboro KNI Building on March 3, 1946 by Mr. Boediarto, Ir. Marsito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Mr. Soenario, Dr. Soleiman, Dr. Buntaran and Dr. Suharto.
Since January 4, 1946 Sukarno and Hatta moved the capital of the Republic of Indonesia to Yogyakarta. With the rise of the battle between freedom fighter and the Allies and NICA in Jakarta and Bandung, the College of Engineering (STT) to move to Bandung Yogyakarta.

On February 17, 1946, College of Engineering (STT) in Yogyakarta, Bandung revived by the teachers including Prof. Ir. Rooseno and Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat.
Another educational institution that stands at the same time is a Medical College (established March 5, 1946), College of Veterinary Medicine (stand 20 September 1946), College of Pharmacy (stand 27 September 1946), and the College of Agriculture (stand 27 September 1946) all of which are in Klaten, about 20 kilometers from Yogyakarta.
Institut Pasteur in Bandung since 1 September 1945, also participated in Klaten transferred to the laboratory at the Hospital Tegalyoso. One of those who play a role in this transfer is Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito who later became rector of Gadjah Mada University first. Campus life in Klaten increasingly crowded with the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry at the beginning of 1948.
In early May 1948, the Ministry of Education and Culture established the Academy of Political Science in Yogyakarta at the proposal of the Ministry of Interior to educate prospective employees of the Department of the Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Information.
This academy was originally headed by Prof. Djokosoetono, S.H. Unfortunately this did not last long academy, after PKI Madiun uprising erupted in September 1948, the academy was abandoned students who participated quell the rebellion so that the academy was closed.
Furthermore, on 1 November 1948 Legal Expert Education Center was established in Surakarta, as a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Justice. Along with the establishment of the Committee of Private Universities in Surakarta, namely Drs. Notonagoro, S.H., Koesoemadi, S.H. and Hardjono, S.H. in Surakarta plans to establish a State Law School. For the sake of efficiency, the Committee proposes the incorporation of Jurists Education Center in the College of Law of the State were finally approved by the Government Regulation No. 1948 73.
Dutch attack to the capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta in the framework of the Dutch Military Aggression II paralyze all teaching and learning activities in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Surakarta and all colleges are forced to shut down and the students were struggling.
After the attack the Netherlands, the Republic of Indonesia becomes increasingly narrow. On May 20, 1949, Higher Education Committee held a meeting, in the Hall Kepatihan Yogyakarta led by Prof. Dr. Soetopo, with members of the meeting, among others, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Ir. Harjono, Prof. Sugardo and Slamet Soetikno, S.H.
One of the results of the meeting was the establishment of college back in the remaining regions of the republic, namely Yogyakarta. Agreed Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Harjono and Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito will try hard to make it happen. The main difficulty when it is not there room for a lecture. However, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX willing to lend the room palace and several buildings in the vicinity.
November 1, 1949, in High Peguruan Complex Duchy, Yogyakarta, stand back and Pharmacy Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Medicine. The third opening was attended by the faculty of President Sukarno. At the opening ceremony held an afterthought for professors and students who have been killed in the war against the Netherlands, namely: Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Saleh, Ir. Notokoesoemo, Roewito, Asmono, Hardjito and Wurjanto.
On November 2, 1949, Faculty of Engineering, the Academy of Political Science and the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Literature which is under the auspices of the Foundation Center, Gadjah Mada University participated inaugurated.
Dated December 3, 1949 opened the Faculty of Law in Yogyakarta with the leadership of Prof. Drs. Notonagoro, SH. Faculty is moving the Law School State Solo.
Finally, on December 19, 1949, was born with six Gadjah Mada University faculty. According to Government Regulation No. 23 In 1949, the six faculties are:
Faculty of Engineering (therein including Measure Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Natural Sciences Section of Teacher Education and Science must);
Faculty of Medicine, which includes parts of Pharmacy, Dentistry and the Academy of the Teacher Education Chemistry and limu Hayat;
Faculty of Agriculture in there dalamya Academy of Agriculture and Forestry;
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;
Faculty of Law, which includes the Academy of Legal Expertise, Expertise and Notarial Economics, Academy of Political Science and Teacher Education Academy constitutional part, Economics and Sociology;
Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, which includes the Teacher Education Academy of Letters.
As the first Rector (President) defined Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito. At the same time also specified Senate and the Board of Curators UGM UGM. Board of Curators UGM consists of Honorary Chairman of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri Paku Alam Chairman is VIII, a deputy chairman and members.

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