Search Engine Submission - AddMe make money online: Make money with your smart phone Make money with your smart phone


Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Make money with your smart phone

Today ane will talk about the company called Navizon .

Navizon , Inc. is a pioneer in the accurate location , positioning and tracking of mobile
devices everywhere . In urban areas , where GPS falls short , individuals can
determine their location , navigate and search for their friends with mobile applications
blend in with the satellite -based GPS Wi - Fi and cell - id positioning . deploy business
solution that works outdoors and indoors . Outdoors , use global Navizon
Wi - Fi and cell - id location database and SDK . Indoors , spreading business
branded location-aware mobile applications , tracking mobile devices using the Navizon
Real-time location systems ( RTLS ) , provide indoor positioning and wayfinding
( indoor GPS ) uses ambient signals , visitor count or trigger a proximity -based
action . Whatever the application , Navizon provides accurate positioning anywhere ..

You will get paid for what you do for other companies for free .
Without the stress , strain and is completely legal .

Enough, you will get paid for the mapping of Wi-Fi APs and base stations with your smartphone. Sounds cool, eh?
So you are wondering that you are doing this work to other companies for free, right?
When you are using your smartphone with Google Maps for example, you collect anonymous data to Google, for free.
Why not get paid for doing the same job for another company?
That's the question, really ...

1 . Smartphone or Tablet with Android or iOS
2 . Wi - Fi or GSM built -in
3 . GPS built -in
4 . PayPal to redeem your prize claimed
5 . Active internet connection is not required

If you do not meet the requirements , you still can continue to read , but you can get points just from your referrals ( if you have one) .

Registration is very simple , just click on the desired link and follow instructions .
Non - ref link - you can map your own points on

Once you sign in, you have to define " home territory " you . Either click the " My Location " or " Set my home area " link and just create a rectangular area near your home .

" Home area " is not intended to be a place where you will map your points , but can be used with the conjunction " Coverage " to find out where you can map most of them .

To begin to map out your points , you need to install the Android or iOS app , according to your platform . You can search for an app called : Navizon from Play Store or the App Store , or even install it into a remote device .

Android users go
When you start Navizon , the recently installed app , go to menu , click on " Mapping " and then click " GPS on " button .

Now you have mapped your point . To upload , simply go to the " Mapping " menu and click "Upload " to upload . They are also being uploaded continuously ( as long as an internet connection is available ) .

Until now , you will see " Some of the points you have not processed " in your Navizon account , especially in the " Rewards " tab , if the points are mapped successfully uploaded .

When you accumulate 10,000 points , you can "Redeem " points for $ 10 USD ( $ 9.8 ) - due to PayPal fees and send them to your PayPal account .

The first "Redeem " free , because you are running a trial version of the premium . But once you make your first $ 10 , you need to buy premium account , which costs you 10,000 points next and last forever !

You get a certain
number of points for what you have mapped :
Wi - Fi APs discovered by you : 3 Points
Your cell tower was found by : 15 Points
Wi - Fi APs have been mapped : 1 point
Cell towers that have been mapped : 2 pts

You can get a lot of points as long as you do not live in " in exchange for a limited area " , which is as follows :
Manhattan, N.Y , U.S.A.
Madrid , SPAIN
Singapore, SINGAPORE
Kuala Lumpur , MALAYSIA
Prague , Czech Republic
Brno , Czech Republic

Points of this region would appear , on the awards page , such as :
" Wifi is mapped not qualified "
"Cell towers have been mapped not qualified "

However , points are found by you qualify ( even in this area ) and will give you :
3 points per access point Wi - Fi
15 points per Cell Tower

Whether or not you live in one of these areas , you still can get some direction and get 20 % of the points that they accumulate though !


Now that you know how to map your points and claim your prize , every time you :
- Go outside
- Using public transport
- Ride a bike
- Driving a car
or do anything else ( probably a lot ) , you get paid every time you take a smartphone with you ( and allow mapping , obviously ) .

I hope you will like my [ FREE METHOD ] and if you want to get [ PAID METHODS ] , you have to sign up as my referral and thus the way ,
You can get ten times more points if you follow the instructions described in the manual 

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